Advantages that Invers is already harnessing with its partner farmers as a lever for a broader transition towards agroecological practices.
Improved plant resistance to abiotic stress
Enhanced resistance to pathogens
Promotes growth
Supports a living soil
Frass is a particularly balanced organic fertiliser (NPK 443: 40 units of nitrogen/tonne of product, 40 of phosphorus, and 30 of potassium). Composed of 85% organic matter, insect droppings contain a wide range of nutrients in forms easily assimilated by plants.
The intestinal microbiota of insects naturally harbours microorganisms present in their droppings, which directly influence plant growth and resistance to pathogens. Rapid mineralisation and the presence of chitin also contribute to increased plant resistance to pathogens.
The Tenebrio Molitor, in particular, is an insect whose droppings provide nutrients beneficial to plants when used as an organic fertiliser. Using this fertiliser can increase the weight of soybean seeds by 18%.*
Three pilot projects were conducted with entomoculturist farmers to assess the impact of using frass as a fertiliser on climate change. The goal? To quantify the climate benefits of these new practices and ensure fair compensation for farmers for this co-benefit.
The results of these initial studies highlight that using frass on farms can reduce carbon emissions by up to 38% per year. This transition to new fertiliser methods could be further accelerated through the sale of carbon credits on the markets.