Partner farmers

Partner Farmers "entomoculteurs"

One of Invers’ missions is to reverse the growing divide between livestock areas and major crop-growing regions. The farming of mealworms, or  « entomoculture » innovatively reconnects them. 

Our partner entomoculture farmers are cereal producers committed to adopting new agro-ecological production techniques while working to restore the organic matter in their soils. 

Thanks to their efforts, we have successfully validated the   agricultural community’s acceptance of this new type of farming.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to their active collaboration  !


INVERS partner since 2020

Artonne, 63460 Auvergne – FRANCE


INVERS partner since 2021

Saint-Clément-de-Régnat, 63310 Auvergne – FRANCE


Partenaire INVERS depuis 2022

Chappes, 63720 Auvergne – FRANCE

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Their Perspective

In an era of globalisation and climate change, farmers are increasingly struggling to secure a fair income in today’s globalised world. 

In this context, ensuring the sustainability of their farms and passing them on to the next generation have become central concerns. 

Our solution

Our innovative on-farm insect farming model is deeply inspired by existing agricultural practices and has been developed in collaboration with farmers and the broader local agricultural ecosystem

Unlike most insect farming models, which focus on large-sacle industrial productions units, our solution enables on-farm farming:  entomoculteur farmers each operate their own human-scale farming workshop, providing them with an additional source of income.  

The creation and development of our mealworm farming workshop  de farine is guided by three principles :

  • Avoiding the concentration of production in large industrial units
  • Putting farmers at the heart of insect farming
  • Raising high-quality mealworms naturally and in optimal conditions.

INVERS plays a pivotal role by mastering all stages of the farming process.  We ensure the transmission of a rigorous production specification and provide zootechnical support to farmers who embark on this exciting journey with us.

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