
Preserving Resources

A 100% French supply chain and a circular model that values local by-products:  from feeding inscets to using their waste as fertiliser, Invers draws insipiration from nature and contributes to the regeneration of resources and healthy, living soil.  

Protecting Ocean Biodiversity

For every tonne of larvae used in acquaculture feed, a tonne of wild fish is psared from being caught in the oceans.

To ensure the sustainability of fish and shrimp farming, it is essential to reduce the reliance on fishmeal-based feed, with the ultimate goal of eliminating its use altogether.

This is a cause Invers champions every day by developing a local and sustainable insect farming industry for animal feed.

Invers has joined the Ocean Coalition, a crucial initiative because quite literally  « the ocean is on fire»

Preserving Local Biodiversity

The use of frass as fertiliser, combined with changes in agricultural practices (such as cover crops, haies, limitation des produits phytosanitaires), est un levier de transition vers une agriculture qui restaure des sols vivants, capte davantage de carbone et accueille une plus grande biodiversité.

Associations we support

Invers is committed to supporting local organisations dedicated to preserving wildlife and natural habitats, as well as raising public awareness about environmental challenges.

These essential actions are carried out by passionate teams of volunteers and experts!

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To fertilise soils

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